Dakota Wikipédia
A Dakota-English dictionary (1892) by Riggs, Stephen Return, 1812-1883 .Archive.org
An English-Dakota school dictionary: Wasicun qa Dakota ieska wowapi (1886) by Williamson, John Poage, 1835-1917 . Archive.org
The Dakota language (1872) by Riggs, Stephen Return, 1812-1883 .Archive.org
Dakota grammar, texts, and ethnography (1893) by Riggs, Stephen Return, 1812-1883 . Archive.org
Grammar and dictionary of the Dakota language (1852) by by Riggs, Stephen Return, 1812-1883 . Archive.org
The Dakotan languages, and their relations to other languages (1882) by Williamson, A. W. (Andrew Woods), 1838-1905 . Archive.org