dimanche 7 novembre 2010

Algonquin (algonkin, anishnabe)

Algonquin (algonkin, anishnabe)

Algonquin (algonkin, anishnabe) Wikipédia

Algonquin native-languages.org

Lexique Algonquin (1890) by Cuoq, Jean Andre . Archive.org

Grammaire de la langue algonquine (1890) by Cuoq, Jean Andre .Archive.org

Comparative vocabulary of Algonquin dialects ...by Heckewelder, John, 1743-1823 . Archive.org

Zeisberger's Indian dictionary : English, German, Iroquois--the Onondaga and Algonquin--the Delaware (1887) . Archive.org

On Algonkin names for man (1872) by Trumbull, J. Hammond, (James Hammond), 1821-1897 . Archive.org

algonquin indian tales (1903) by Young, Egerton Ryerson, 1840-1909 . Archive.org

Algonkin onomatology, with some comparisons with Basque (1889) by Chamberlain, A. F. (Alexander Francis), 1865-1914 . Archive.org

The Algonquin legends of New England : or, Myths and folk lore of the Micmac, Passamaquoddy, and Penobscot tribes (1884) by Leland, Charles Godfrey, 1824-1903 .Archive.org

samedi 6 novembre 2010



Mixe-Zoque Wikipedia

Mixe-Zoque Language Family native-languages.org

Langue zoque et langue mixe; grammaire, dictionnaire (1898)by La Grasserie, Raoul de, 1839-1914 . Archive.org

Lenguas americanas. El mije y el zoque (1895)by : Mitre, Bartolomé, 1821-1906 . Archive.org

Survey of morphology and syntax for Zoque of Copainalá (1984) by Harrison, Margaret; Harrison, Roy . Archive.org

Ojibwe ( ojibwa, ojibway, chippewa)

Ojibwe ( ojibwa, ojibway, chippewa)

Ojibwe ( ojibwa, ojibway, chippewa) Wikipedia

Ojibwe Lessons for Beginners Site

Native Languages of the Americas: Ojibwe (Ojibway, Anishinaabemowin, Chippewa, Ojibwa) . Site

Native Languages: Ojibwe-Cree PDF



Guarani Wikipédia

Método práctico para aprender la lengua guaraní (1907) . Archive.org

Apontamentos sobre o Abañeeñga : tambem chamado Guarani ou Tupi, ou lingua geral dos Brasis by Nogueira, Baptista Caetano d'Almeida . Archive.org

Influencia de la lengua Guaraní en Sud-America y Antillas (1916) by Bertoni, Moisés Santiago, 1857-1929 . Archive.org

The Brasilian language and its agglutination (1883) by Cavalcanti, Amaro, 1849-1922 .

Der sprachstoff der guaranischen grammatik des Antonio Ruiz; (1898) Archive.org

vendredi 5 novembre 2010

Unami ( lenape , delaware )


Unami( lenape , delaware ) Wikipédia

Grammar of the language of the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians (1827) by Zeisberger, David, 1721-1808; Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen, 1760-1844; Bopp, Franz, 1791-1867. Archive.org

Zeisberger's Indian dictionary : English, German, Iroquois--the Onondaga and Algonquin--the Delaware (1887) by Zeisberger, David, 1721-1808; Horsford, Eben Norton, 1818-1893 . Archive.org

Essay of a Delaware-Indian and English spelling-book : for the use of the schools of the Christian Indians on Muskingum River (1776) by Zeisberger, David, 1721-1808 . Archive.org



Cheyenne Wikipédia

Cheyenne Language Web Site

Cheyenne Dictionary PDF



Aymara Wikipédia

Vocabulario de la lengua aymara by Bertonio, Ludovico, 1555-1628 . Archive.org

Vocabulario castellano-aymará : forma parte del Políglota incaico (1905) . Archive.org

Vocabulario políglota incaico : comprende más de 12,000 voces castellanas y 100,000 de keshua del Cuzco, Ayacucho, Junín, Ancash y Aymará (1905) . Archive.org

Arte de la lengua aymara by Torres Rubio, Diego de, 1547-1638 . Archive.org

jeudi 4 novembre 2010

Cree ( cri)

Cree ( cri)

Cree ( cri) Wikipédia

A grammar of the Cree language (1913) by Horden, John, 1828-1893 . Archive.org

A Lecture on the Grammatical Construction of the Cree Language (1875) by Hunter, Archdeacon . Archive.org

Primer and language lessons in English and Cree (1890) by Glass, E. B. (Ervin Bird), 1852-1927; McDougall, John, 1842-1917 . Archive.org

Grammaire de la langue des Cris (1874)by Lacombe, Albert, 1827-1916 . Archive.org

Dictionnaire et grammaire de la langue crise (1872) by Lacombe, Albert, 1827-1916 . Archive.org

Petit manuel pour apprendre à lire la langue crise = Small manual to learn the reading in the Cree language (1886) by Lacombe, Albert, 1827-1916 . Archive.org

Esquisse d'une grammaire comparee des dialectes Cree et Chippeway, In: Congres international des Americanistes: Compte rendu de la 1re session, Nancy 1875, pp. 89-149 (1876) by Adam, Lucien . Archive.org

Prières, cantiques, catéchisme, etc., en langue crise (1886) by Lacombe, Albert, 1827-1916 . Archive.org



Cherokee Wikipédia

Cherokee Language Site

English/Cherokee Dictionary Site



Dakota Wikipédia

A Dakota-English dictionary (1892) by Riggs, Stephen Return, 1812-1883 .Archive.org

An English-Dakota school dictionary: Wasicun qa Dakota ieska wowapi (1886) by Williamson, John Poage, 1835-1917 . Archive.org

The Dakota language (1872) by Riggs, Stephen Return, 1812-1883 .Archive.org

Dakota grammar, texts, and ethnography (1893) by Riggs, Stephen Return, 1812-1883 . Archive.org

Grammar and dictionary of the Dakota language (1852) by by Riggs, Stephen Return, 1812-1883 . Archive.org

The Dakotan languages, and their relations to other languages (1882) by Williamson, A. W. (Andrew Woods), 1838-1905 . Archive.org